Tuesday, May 30, 2006

assault in lewes east sussex

i was shocked today to have a german traffic warden tell me he had been beaten up while going about his buisness in the very elite and gentile town of lewis.i tried to take a photo of him to show you all.this was against the law.so he said.


Ben Counsell said...

Nice to see you got a blog as well now ma :-)

I will enjoy reading it! Although, once again another member of the family seems to be chosing a sub-standard RapidWeaver!!

What is up with that! huh?

love, Ben

Comrade Alkowski said...

Nice Blog Ma :)

So you are going to transcribe your old journal?

How will you make sure all the posts are dated correctly?

Maybe ya should use Dans rapidWeaver, if it can post into the past.

I'll send ya some pics of the interior of the house.


Ben Counsell said...

There's no excuse - RapidWeaver can post from the past! You can set the date and time to whatever you want!

I think it's be a lot easier for you mum! and you would be able to get support direct from the developers!
