Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas presents

I have been wrapping christmas presents,Paul is comming up tomorrow,so I want to give them to him to take home,as we wont see them untill new years eve.

Its now 8.30 pm ,and I havent had my tea,Dad is at camera club,there is a competition tonight,a trophy for the winner.Good Luck ,but I bet that bloomin Dickie Bird wins.

We went to brighton,for Bens birthday,and had a meal out at Suckatie Boy,which does great food.I hope Ben will put up the pics on his blog,as I forgot my camera.

We stayed at Dan and Lorraines,in their loveley guest room.I took Jarvis for a walk around Whithdean,while Pete and Lorraine were at Boxercise,and he ate some burger ,dropped by the football supporters,and has been sick for 2 days.


Ben Counsell said...

Poor Jarvis! he was probably sick because that was the first bit of hot food he's had in years!!! ;)
You really need to start feeding him properly!!

And it's very funny that you've actually called the restaurant Suckathai Boy. :D

Wendy said...

Jarvis is naturally slim.He eats what he likes,and doesnt put on any weight. You boys all call the resturant that name!!!!!

Wendy said...

Yes ,Lisa,I think it is.!!!