I have only one photo from our evening at windsor.The rest are lost in the camera card,gone into the unknown.
This is a great loss as they were much admired by the chairman of the club in the pub afterwards.The only photo is this one of him,I think of him as Jeremy Fisher,but he likes to be called Johnathon Farmer.

The next photo is also the only one from our meal with Margaret and David at the George and Dragon,on the river at wargrave.
So you willl just have to imagine all of us posing by the boats,drinking some special watery drinks.
This picture is of our sharing spanish platter,which we had to start the meal.It was the best platter I have eaten in along while.

This is an excellant restuarant and we will go again soon.
I cleaned the house this morning as we had a rental inspection.The windows were so sparkly after a clean with Mr.Muscle window cleaner,it is the best.
Next I went out with Jarvis before the inspectors arrived. I planned a route using my OS map,and along the way I met a group of women and their dogs on a walk,and I wondered what it would be like to be part of a walking club. One difficulty would be having a pee pee
in the bushes as I always seem to be caught short.I rather like going outside
We are having Veggie shepherd"s pie with sweet Potato mash for tea.A summerfruit cobbler is for pud,a treat for us as we dont usually have one,.