Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2 weeks till we move.

Today is Lisa:s birthday,we wish we were with them to celebrate. Happy birthday Lisa xxxxx

We went with Dan to have a look at the flat,the decorators have been very busy as everything needed to be redone.

Everything there is perfect,and we are looking forward to moving in.

Pete and Tracey have been to look at a house to buy today.,and they have said I can do the garden .This is very good news as I will only have pots at the flat.

It has been very cold and wet ,so I have made some super green kale soup for tea. If you feel tired ,irritable,constipated,or crave sweet things then this is a great soup for you.



Anonymous said...
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Ben Counsell said...

hello mother. You must be looking forward to moving back to Brighton now! Not long before El and I get you to cook all our meals, do our laundry, tidy up after us....I bet you can't wait ;-)

Wendy said...

I am very excited indeed !

Steve said...

Hmm, I was expecting some unpaid house keepers.

There's a lot of Shirt Ironing and Sock Darning to get through Ben.
hehehe :)