Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thi chi

Dad says we must both go to Thi chi it adds 10 years to your life,and he wants to live to age 61.

Dad will be posting the picture of my dinner,from last night soon.It contained 500g of fresh spinach,amongst other things,and it was ok,I ate it because I knew it would be good for me.

Milly,my darling fiat punto has passed her MOT today.Straight through.

I was so proud of her,she has never broken down on a journey,and she is 7 years old and has travelled 79,500 miles.

I am now going to tax her on line,how good is that, no need to queue at the post office.


Steve said...

Try driving it a 95 miles an hour. That'll TAX her (and you)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are going to Tai-Chi.

There are all sorts of forms. So it's worth bearing in mind that you may need to try a few different classes before you find one you like.

I remember when we took Milly overseas to Belgium. Me, Lisa, Ben and Pete. We loaded her up with Booze. The poor thing: her butt was dragging on the floor all the way home.

I really wasnt sure she would get up the ramp and onto the boat with all of us and the booze inside. But she did just. The breaks were not to snappy on the way back with all the extra weight onboard...

Ben Counsell said...

Haha, I remember that as well Al.

I remember all the booze wouldn't fit in the boot, so me and Pete had to have a couple of cases in the back with us!!!

That was a good trip :-)