Monday, June 19, 2006

New Red Kettle

Our old kettle(4 years old) would not boil and it blew the fuse twice.So after work I drove to Reading (£3 to park) and went in John Lewis .The only shop you need there.It sells such nice things and its easy to shop there.Its quality all the way ,staff as well.
Ben knows and likes this shop.So its not for old fogies only.There were 16 kettles to choose from,all laid out so you could examine them and read all about them.I choose the Red because we have a Red dualit toaster as well.This has been excellant and I would recomend you buy this one as toasters in the Counsell family have had a nasty habbit of catching fire.Im making strawberry jam, and if you would like a jar ,just let me know.


Comrade Alkowski said...

Comrade Alkowski said...

We've got a red kettle and toaster too. But its in one the suites now.

Anyway I'm going to drink my Green Tea and then make Breakfast for a couple who are staying in the 'Tower.

Ben Counsell said...

Also, I would like a jar of jam please and anything else you would like to cook me ;-)